
Introduction to Cloves

    Cloves were important in the earliest spice trade and are an indigenous to the Moluccas, and several Spice Islands in IndonesiaClove trees grows to about 8 to 12 metres (25 to 40 feet) in height. The trees are usually propagated from seeds that are planted in shaded areas. Flowering begins about the fifth year; a tree may annually yield up to 34 kg (75 pounds) of dried buds varying in length from about 13 to 19 mm (0.5 to 0.75 inch) which are hand-picked in late summer and again in winter and are then sun-dried.

    Cloves has a distinct strong aroma with a mix of warm, pungent, and sweet yet spicy notes which makes them a popular ingredient for cooking and baking. The uses of cloves however, varies: essential oils, tobacco, perfumes, medicine and even mouthwash due to its antibacterial properties are some examples of applications when cloves are processed among many others.

Our Cloves

    We source our Cloves directly from the farming regions where Cloves are Indigenous to. To maintain its nutrition and oil content, we use a sun - drying method to dry our Cloves. After the drying process, the Cloves will then be screened and put to a blower will will remove any remaining impurities/ foreign matter prior to packing. To increase the quality of the commodity we provide, We build close relations with the community of those regions by providing aid to local farmers on Clove standards, holding occasional open discussions on new techniques and innovation of Clove processing, and provide job opportunities to the local communities. While some are less likely to believe that doing the things mentioned above will increase the quality of final product - we say otherwise. Providing the farmers with education to understand the specifications needed for exports, the discussions are crucial in minimizing loss which could occur during the process, and providing job opportunities would mean receiving highly dedicated workers on top of fulfilling our values.


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